Service Ethic
Professional Expert Opinion:
In legal cases, especially criminal ones, the first thing that the expert has to consider is moral correctness and professionalism. The rules are clear and strictly applied based on the following order:
1. Primary Importance – Expert’s Reputation!
Under no circumstances whatsoever can there be a situation where an expert “sells” a professional opinion that is adjusted to meet the requirements of the lawyer representing the plaintiff / defendant in the case. The only thought motivating the expert is to reveal the truth and provide a professional opinion that reflects what he has examined and proved.
The expert opinion may contain no detail, the validity of which the expert cannot substantiate in testimony in a court of law.
2. The Interests of the Client
The interests of the client are important, but the truth comes before everything!
In the event that the findings of the expert examination reveal items that are not in the interests of the client, we will bring them to his attention or to the attention of his lawyer and immediately terminate the work. The client will be charged for the hours already spent on the examination.
3. Payment
Payment is for examination and submission of the expert opinion or report of activities.
Pricing is based on hours worked.
In addition, as soon as working arrangements have been agreed upon, a prepaid advance will be determined.
Receipt of the professional opinion and/or expert services is conditioned upon payment of the fee in full.
Costs of appearing to testify / cross examination, working meetings and consultations for lawyers or preparation of questions for cross examination of the other party’s expert witnesses, are all chargeable separately.
Video and Audio Conversions:
Video conversions on DVD are carried out using professional and designated studio equipment and not by computer. Conversions are created using the leading professional DVD recording devices available in this area of activity.
In certain cases where required, it is possible to issue a document reporting on the specific activity (explaining what was done) or to submit an expert opinion to the court.
Sound conversions are only made using Audio CD, which are used especially for sound recordings and which can be produced only in specialized studios and not through regular CD burning techniques using a PC. This is important in terms of the legal eligibility of the recording and the proof that it was made directly (1:1) and has not undergone a computer conversion / editing process.
Regarding conversion of files and formats, improvement of quality of recordings, there is sometimes a requirement for computer intervention.
In such cases the files that have been converted or whose quality has been improved will be saved with the source files on a separate disc, so that they can be presented to the court while retaining the credibility and transparency of the work performed.
In cases where it is required, a full report will also be provided to the court detailing the work which has been performed.
Receipt and delivery of materials:
As part of our efforts to ensure discretion and confidentiality, work is performed, received at our studio and delivered by hand!
In special instances where there is a requirement to carry out recordings / filming / consultations / examinations / installations in the location of an event or outside the studio, these issues are coordinated in advance.